What are isomorphic applications?


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In several articles and methods of developing modern applications, I come across isomorphic Applications.

But what is it really? They usually define it as "the best of client/server side together". So, how are these applications isomorphic? Who makes the router? Who surrenders the views? Client or Server?

Rendering and router in client is very typical of SPA (Single Page Applications).

  • In short: they are applications that use the same code both on the client and on the server. The concept has been gaining strength with Node.js.

  • @Kazzkiq but this is too bad =/ and who doesn’t use Node.js? besides that for large-scale applications, I don’t know if Node.js would be a good idea, one that dev js cost is higher, another that the language itself is unstable, because of the browsers...

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You must be talking of that page. It is one of those terms that a group of developers want to paste, only time will tell what will happen.

The meaning seems like you already know. It’s a technique in which both the server and client share code. In theory this brings advantages, and of course there are disadvantages.

They start from a dangerous assumption that Google can index all the pages rendered on the client, which is not an absolute truth and ignores the other seekers.

Besides, it seems to me that putting not only the rendering, but the scripting in the client, has problems to control the content. I can’t imagine how you can trust something so important that it’s done on the client and has an impact on the server. They must have some solution but must begin to have its disadvantages.

So it may even be useful for applications, but not for websites. No wonder the spa’s a Applications and not of is an S of websites.

The idea of the SPA is interesting and this technique takes this to the extreme leaving very little for Node.js to solve on the server side.

It bumps into the problem that current technology doesn’t work as well as SPA and many applications can’t get along with the extremism of letting the server just handle as an API provider and nothing else.

So even it seems that few people have bought the idea so far.

The obvious advantage is the purism of using only one language, a single coherent library, and not overloading the server, in theory.

  • thank you for answering, but is very confused your reply, what I understood by your reply was: It is a method that are wanting to impose, to be something as option of a SPA, that the rendering and router is all done in the client (for your concern) and lastly "use only one language", which means that both the client/server would have only one technology (which in itself is javascript, via Node.js) but still did not understand the exact issue of isophophic app

  • That’s it. There’s not much else to say but to describe everything about how technology works. That would take pages. So ask a specific question. Maybe it’s something simpler than you think and you’re trying to think that it doesn’t exist.

  • when I read about it, I was in doubt, if this type of application the rendenization and router is done in the client, as well as the SPA, and I imagined how would be the Implementation using another server side, but if it is only via Node.js/express or things of the kind, I just lost interest, rsrs

  • Not that it needs to be via Node, but today is the most viable way. But understand this only with a new technique and not a new technology.

  • if we think that all we do every day is nothing more than play with 0 and 1, the technology is always the same.

  • I didn’t get your comment @Eduardoseixas rsrs

  • @Rod, I just meant that our area (development) in recent years have been added various concepts, techniques and ways of dealing with existing subjects in languages. Not always something new can be considered a new technology, just a better refinement of programming concepts and techniques.

  • @Eduardoseixas yes, this is...the concept of "spa" already exists a few years in fact, it comes from extjs...but now that is popularizing thanks to some Fw(Angularjs, emberjs,etc) and also now these isomorphic, so I was curious to know

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Formerly, with Asp, php and Servlets, htmls were fully mounted on the server, which obviously generates unnecessary consumption. Imagine that the client’s own computer can do it for you. That’s how technologies like Jquery and Angularjs have grown.

Since you need to specialize in Javascript and its Frameworks, many companies have adopted, for example Nodejs and the like. Java itself has the Nashorm, a Javascript engine.

Airbnb, which has been a reference in technology, published an article explaining everything you want to know about the subject.

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