How do I install the Chromium package in Delphi?


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I was using the Twebbrowser component which is based on Internet Explorer, but I have noticed that it runs disfigured HTML5 pages, I have heard about the Firefox package, but it did not run on Delphi and demonstratedif it’s too heavy, then my last alternative was the Chromium package.

1 answer


Whatever version of IE you have on the machine windows will always use IE6 within any desktop application you put a webbrowser. This means that you will not have multiple supports that the more Ovar versions of IE have, such as Jquery or even Json support. To resolve this problem you must make a change to the windows registry for your executable, saying you want to use the most current version of the browser. Create a . reg file with the following structure:


[HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Internet Explorer Main Featurecontrol FEATURE_BROWSER_EMULATION] "Meuexecutavel.exe"=dword:0

I already used Chromium in Delphi as an alternative to a couple of years ago, and it was very unstable.

  • It’s actually the IE 7 Standars Mode not IE 6. And to set the IE 8 compatibility mode the key value is "MyApplication.exe" = dword 8888 (Hex: 0x22B8) not zero. I don’t know where you read about IE6 but it seems incorrect. My references are: that link and this other link

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