Is it recommended to use C# 6 in Visual Studio 2013?


Viewed 330 times


In the Visual Studio 2015 I see that it is possible to define the version of C#:

Fonte: Source:

But in the Visual Studio 2013 installation of a package is required Microsoft.Net.Compilers 1.0.0 via nuget with a "help" from Resharper it is possible to enable support for version 6 of C#:

Habilitando C# 6 no VS2013

According to this answer (Will C# 6.0 Ever be supported by VS 2013?) in MSDN, the VS2013 would not support C version 6#.

It would be advisable to carry out this procedure and use C# 6.0 on projects in the VS2013?

  • The question doesn’t make much sense: "Would it be advisable to perform this procedure and use C# 6.0 in production in VS2013?". If you’re on VS2013, you’re not in production, obviously.

  • 1

    It was really confusing the term produção, wanted to refer to projects reais, grandes, etc. @Gypsy

1 answer


It is recommended to use Visual Studio 2015 (or newer), there is no other solution. And all the indications are you won’t, there’s a few tricks but it’ll get bad.

There is no way to use Visual Studio 2013 to its fullest with C# 6. Of course you can use the new compiler with it, as you have already noted. You can do this without any IDE. But there is no support in the IDE, no help or benefit. even with Resharper you will fall well short.

If I can use the Visual Studio Community, just download and install. It is quite complete, makes 99% of the things 99% of users need and can be extended. 2015 is now available.

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