Change "Step" in Quickreport "Printing Progress"


Viewed 232 times


I’m developing a system for printing tickets, so I send extensive files to print, around 25,000 pages per view. Due to that large number of pages the "Printing Progress" of the Quickreport It takes 2 minutes to advance the 5% step. How do I change the step/step (also called stepIt in progressBar) in Quickreport?

1 answer


I did not find a "conventional" way, but it is possible to change the progress directly in the Quickreport file itself. Unit is called "qrprgres.pas" and is in the Quickreport installation root folder. Just go to the method procedure TQRProgressForm.CMQRPROGRESSUPDATE(var Message); and change the line if (FQRPrinter.Progress mod 5) = 0 then for if (FQRPrinter.Progress mod 2) = 0 then and recompile, so the advance will be 2%.

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