How to make this sql


Viewed 111 times


I have the following table:


I use a command SELECT, guy:

SELECT estudante, conceito_1, conceito_2 FROM estudante WHERE etapa = '1ª'

How could I make a single select to catch the 2nd and 3rd steps too?

And I’d like SQL to generate:


  • The purpose of the consultation is to show everything but the stage?

1 answer


Imagining that your table is called Estudante, this can be done with some Queries:

select e.estudante, 
  a11.conceito_1, a11.conceito_2, a11.etapa,
  a22.conceito_1, a22.conceito_2, a22.etapa,
  a33.conceito_1, a33.conceito_2, a33.etapa
FROM Estudante e
        SELECT estudante, conceito_1, conceito_2, etapa
        FROM Estudante where etapa = '1a'
    ) AS a11
ON e.estudante = a11.estudante
        SELECT estudante, conceito_1, conceito_2, etapa
        FROM Estudante where etapa = '2a'
    ) AS a22
ON e.estudante = a22.estudante
        SELECT estudante, conceito_1, conceito_2, etapa
        FROM Estudante where etapa = '3a'
    ) AS a33
ON e.estudante = a33.estudante
GROUP BY e.estudante

You can see working here on this link:! 9/f8e0e/1

I couldn’t think of a query that works independent of the number of steps, without adding a new subquery manually.

  • At the time of typing I forgot the table FROM. The problem I want to take the concepts of all students and then manipulate them. Ex.: Maria, conceito_1 (1st stage), conceito_1 (2nd stage), conceito_2 (1st stage), conceito_2 (2nd stage), so on. How could I take all the students and concepts and manipulate them?

  • @Luissouza, unfortunately I could not understand... edit your question illustrating better what you would like as a result.

  • I edited the question. I think now we can better understand.

  • Oops, it’s kind of working, I’ll fix it.

  • Now is correct.

  • Perfect! Thank you!

  • @Luissouza , legal! : D Could you mark my answer as the solution? See how to make a tour! Thank you!

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