Does anyone know where I can find this php?


Viewed 59 times


I’m looking for a file, its name is server-side-script.php so what I researched seems to be a standard translation file, I didn’t get it very well.

The point is that I have a script and it comes with 2 languages, and for me to add 1 more language I would need to put the line in the header indicating the new language and create a file for the language, example "pt.php".

I added the line and the file and it does not find the pt.php file, it is as if this file had been set in some page, and the action of this form indicates this server-side-script.php file that I can’t find anywhere. Does anyone know anything about?

Div with the line I needed to add.

            <div id="country-select">  
				  <form action="server-side-script.php">
				    <select id="country-options" name="country-options">
				      <option <?php if($lang == 'en'){ echo "selected='selected'"; }?> title="<?php echo addURLParameter($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'lang', 'en'); ?>" id="en" value="en">EN</option>
				      <option <?php if($lang == 'ru'){ echo "selected='selected'"; }?> title="<?php echo addURLParameter($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'lang', 'ru'); ?>" id="ru" value="ru">RU</option>
	                              <option <?php if($lang == 'pt'){ echo "selected='selected'"; }?> title="<?php echo addURLParameter($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'lang', 'pt'); ?>" id="pt" value="pt">PT</option>
				    <input value="Select" type="submit" />

1 answer


This has nothing to do with PHP itself, as this is an issue related to specific files of a system or framework customized and unknown, judging by the file nomenclature and code style.

Consult the original developer or the last responsible for the system.

  • I’ve tried to do this and I haven’t found the original developer, but anyway thanks for the interest in helping.

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