Http request - log


Viewed 79 times


I am developing a Curl process, and for this I am checking the pages necessary to manage the urls.

However there is a page that performs Http Request 302 (redirect), and I’m unable to capture it as the process is very fast.

Researching a little I found this loguer Http logging, however the generated file is very confusing and complicated to interpret, and this App, unsupported.

Would anyone know any other way to generate an HTTP log?

Edited Add Request Images

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui - Home screen

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui - Screen with digital certificate authorization

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui - Sent the request (here is where I can’t get the answer). To see this url I had to press ESC forcing the stop.

  • I don’t think I understood it correctly, but maybe Fiddler help you...

  • @Kaduamaral thank you, but I use linux, they even have an option for linux here, but for what I saw from the download I would have to run a window to then generate the linux files.

1 answer


Not sure that I understood the question, but if you already use Firefox, the best way to get the log of all traffic since the first HTTP request is by using the Developer Toolbar that already comes in the browser itself.

The shortcut to activate the bar is Shift + Ctrl + i. Then click on Network (as shown in the green circle below). Reload the page with F5 and see the trail of HTTP requests. That’s all you need. Firebug also has a great HTTP Tracer, but firefox should be enough for you and for 90% of cases.

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Ah, and there’s no such 302/301 request being so fast it won’t be in the logs. If the server returns a 302/301 (consequently with a header Location) it will be in the HTTP log. Firefox does this very well!

  • yes I make use of this, however as I commented the process is 302 that possesses a Location: ### in Header and I can’t see where this is Location:, because it sends to this page and it executes one more Location, in case a double Location and then this, I can’t get the middle.

  • @Guilhermelautert Surely there is something wrong. You can show me the initial URL of the whole process?

  • i believe that you will not be able to access, because they are government urls and it is necessary to have digitalized to access, but I will add the question by editing some images.

  • Edited. I added the requests.

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