Creating the SVN repository - Linux Mint, Apache Subversion


Viewed 169 times


I’m trying to follow the Quick-start, to execute the following commands and create the local SVN repository:

$ mkdir -p $HOME/.svnrepos/
$ svnadmin create ~/.svnrepos/my-repos
$ svn mkdir -m "Create directory structure." file://$HOME/.svnrepos/my-repos/trunk file://$HOME/.svnrepos/my-repos/branches file://$HOME/.svnrepos/my-repos/tags
$ cd my-directory
$ svn checkout file://$HOME/.svnrepos/my-repos/trunk ./
$ svn add --force ./
$ svn commit -m "Initial import"
$ svn up

Where, $HOME here is "/home/Danilo". Because in the "/home" by default of the installation are the folders of each user.

Hence it gives error when I run "svn mkdir". That is, in the third step. As follows:

svn mkdir -m "Create directory structure." file://$HOME/danilo/.svnrepos/my-repos/trunk file://$HOME/danilo/.svnrepos/my-repos/branches file://$HOME/danilo/.svnrepos/my-repos/tags

svn: E180001: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'file:///home/danilo/danilo/.svnrepos/my-repos'
svn: E180001: Não foi possível abrir uma sessão ra_local para URL
svn: E180001: Não foi possível abrir repositório 'file:///home/danilo/danilo/.svnrepos/my-repos'

1 answer


Based on @Ciganomorrisonmendez’s comment, I went to try to do the same procedure without using "file://". It did not work, but I kept insisting and I arrived at the following solution successfully:

svn mkdir -m "Create directory structure." file:///home/danilo/.svnrepos/my-repos/trunk file:///home/danilo/.svnrepos/my-repos/branches file:///home/danilo/.svnrepos/my-repos/tags

Committed revision 1.

So the solution was that instead of using:


I had to use:


That is, I took the "/$HOME" and put "//home/Dan".

Note: From what I realized the "$HOME" is actually equivalent to "/home/Birthday". The same goes for "~/". Noob.

I recommend reading the documentation available on Apache Subversion Doc, mainly the Portuguese version [lagged] of SVN-Book.

The version available in Portuguese that I downloaded is the one that covers version 1.4 of SVN. It is excellent, in a well simplified and didactic language.

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