Since when we develop a system in local PHP without any kind of framework just using the paradigms of Object Orientation, what is the best way to deliver this system continuously or is delivery in phases?
The fact that happens a lot is in a local development is usually made some Head("Destino")
and when we pass it to production ai changes of figure because it is so much Head('localhost')
contained that it is very costly to satisfactorily deliver the system that now has a different IP in place, some suggestion?
If the problem is just changing Urls, why not use global constants or envelopes in a class? for example: Meuservicer.'/Rest of URL/', so you only need to change the value of this constant at site startup indicating whether it is production or not.
– Alexandre Borela
Faz or Fases?
– Wallace Maxters
This problem doesn’t look like PHP or apache, it looks like a work development problem, a client and developer (programmer) problem. Could you make your question a little bit clearer, so I can make sure it’s this?
– Guilherme Nascimento