How to connect desktop and web apps?


Viewed 2,798 times


The idea of my TCC is to make a program where teachers can launch the notes via internet and where students can view them. There will also be a desktop part where the school secretary will register students and teachers and will make some reports. How do I link this Web part to the Desktop?

  • 5

    The name you are looking for is Database

2 answers


In this case you will have several programs and not just one.

  • You will have a web application that will be responsible for all logic and storage.
  • Desktop clients (one can also have mobile clients)
  • API for communicating your Web Application with your customers, this API will be a Webservice.

In the web application you will have: User management, Discipline management, Enrollment management, Note release management, etc. It will have all possible actions and responsibilities of your application

The API is an interface in which through the internet the Desktop, Mobile (android, iOS, Windows Phone) applications can interact with your site, things like authentication, get student list, send notes, etc.

The Desktop and Mobile applications in this case will be API clients, that is, they will depend on the web application, to avoid data duplicity and the dangers that this brings as outdated data for example the Desktop and Mobile applications will make calls via the API to carry out the release of grades, get student grades and so on.

The normal structure of a web application would be:

  • Webserver - Responsible for the logic of the program.
  • Database Server - Responsible for storing information.
  • API server - Responsible for providing the interface for access, usually separated from the web server because if one gives problem the other will not be affected, also helps to split the load.

Desktop and mobile applications will have:

  • Basic logic of consumption, for example a form that asks user and password, sends to the server and upon receiving the success message allows the use of the application.
  • Webservice interface compatible with the one used by the API.

Sometimes I can be a little confusing, but what you will get is at least two categories of programs, the Web Application that centralizes everything and the others that consume the data.


Choose the most mastered language and platform, create the main structure in it!

Example of the main structure:

Database : Mysql Database

Platform : Windows -> . net -> C#

Clientes Externa:

Web -> Mobile -> ANDROID

this way you have the main structure in an environment you dominate, make external clients only connect to your database on the Local Server!!

I hope I may have helped!!


  • it would be nice you give more details on how to get customers to connect to data base(s), became vacant, the way it is not sure if your answer will be of great help

  • The problem with the local server would be the case where teachers would carry out the launch via internet, in this case the application server has to be visible on the internet, allowing it is possible to launch the notes and save them, the ideal would be to have a web server, this does not need to be hosted far away, but needs to be accessible by the web, to reduce the load of logic and validation it would be interesting to assemble only clients on the Desktop instead of complete applications, thus making the code easier to maintain. Then if you want to change the logic you change only on the web. (Logic’s Depend. (.)

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