Mobile multiplatform development


Viewed 341 times


I am a Java programmer and need to start in mobile development (Android/IOS/Windows Phone) and I would like to know what is the best way.

I’ve been reading about frameworks you develop in Javascript/HTML and it converts/builds the app to the chosen OS. Ex: Phonegap.

I also saw some online construction services. Ex:

Is there any other framework for mobile development?

Note: I don’t want to have to develop the same app on various platforms (Java for Android, Objective-C for IOS, etc)

  • 1

    Android Studio, by Google

  • 1

    If you want to develop for the 3 platforms phonegap is the best option. Note: I do not recommend this, I found too weak

  • Xamarin is very interesting, and uses C#.

  • 1

    @diego-souza With Android Studio I can only do for Android! The intention is to minimize the effort.

1 answer



There are several options to perform mobile multiplatform development:

You can use for development on these platforms:

  • HTML
  • Angular
  • CSS
  • Jquery
  • Javascript
  • Nodejs

We also have the Xamarin where the development is done in C# and the creation of the screens can be done through the Xamarin.Forms

However, it is necessary to analyze some points before starting to develop a hybrid app such as performance, advantages and disadvantages:

Here at Sopt we have a reply do @array on this issue.

  • Phonegap/Cordova seems to me to be a good path at the moment. For what I was able to absorb from the searches, it bridges the application developed in JS and the native environment (Android/IOS/Windows Phone).

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