Renaming a file while downloading


Viewed 2,578 times


I would like to know how I can change the name of the file in direct link as for example so that when the user downloads the file name is sent to the users changing the file name by taking the name in the case of the variable $medias["nome"] putting the format at the end getting $medias["nome"].mp4

Being that my site is in one place and the host of direct links on another server.

  • Is php or is it a static file?

  • In case it would be the file that is saved on the user’s pc.

  • php when I say is if the page is generated by php

  • Not in the case and a direct URL with directory name file and file with name 374749482.mp4 only that in the case the file is in one place and the site in another.

1 answer


Using the download attribute=""

You can use the download attribute in html on a link, for example

<a download="media4.mp4" href="">Download</a>

If the download is not started by a link, you can create a javascript event:

function download(url, nome) {
    var el = document.createElement("a"); = nome; //Define o nome
        el.href = url; //Define a url = "_blank"; //Força abrir em uma nova janela
        el.className = "hide-link"; //Adiciona uma classe css pra ocultar


    if (el.fireEvent) {
        el.fireEvent("onclick");//Simula o click pra navegadores com suporte ao fireEvent
    } else {
        //Simula o click
        var evObj = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
        evObj.initEvent("click", true, false);

    //Remove o link da página
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 100);


download("", "media1.mp4");


.hide-link {
   position: absolute;
   top: -9999px;
   left: -9999px;

I didn’t use display: none (or visibility) because I don’t know if it affects the click, and I used -9999px with position: absolute to avoid affecting other elements on the page.

Using . htaccess

If media1.mp4 is the only name you will use and the download is from the static file, you will need . htaccess (acaso use apache).

To "rename" you need the header:

Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=...;

The attachment will force the download and the filename will give the name of the download, then create in the folder /file the file . htaccess and play the following content:

<FilesMatch "\.(?i:mp4)$">
    Header set Content-Disposition "attachment; filename=media1.mp4"

Using php

If the page is generated by PHP, or you need the file name to be dynamic, you will need to use PHP and header, for example:

$nome    = 'media1.mp4'; //Altere o nome aqui
$arquivo = './file/374749482.mp4'; //Altere o nome aqui

header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $nome . ';');
header('Content-Type: video/mp4');
header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');

//É necessário informar o tamanho do arquivo pelo php
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($arquivo));

$handle = fopen($arquivo, 'rb');

while(false === feof($handle)) {
    echo fgets($handle, 1024);

  • @Rodrigo I’ll add one more example, but well you could have informed this right? rs

  • Sorry I edited the question to get clearer.

  • @Rodrigo see if editing the answer helps you.

  • I just didn’t understand where and what it is for me to put this download part("", "media1.mp4"); and on the link or in the js part ?

  • @Rodrigo you got it wrong, the example with download("", "media1.mp4"); is to be used anywhere it’s not a link, if it’s a link use <a download="media4.mp4" href="">Download</a>. IS like I said: If you download nay started by a link, you can create a javascript event

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