Syntax error in query


Viewed 151 times


I am running the following php code:

require_once "config.php";
$pagina = $_POST['pagina'];
$conteudo = $_POST['edit'];
//mysql_query("DELETE FROM $pagina WHERE 1") or die("alguma coisa deu errado".mysql_error());
//mysql_query("INSERT INTO $pagina (`conteudo`) VALUES ('$conteudo')");
mysql_query("UPDATE '$pagina' SET 'conteudo'='$conteudo' WHERE 1") or die("erro: ".mysql_error());

He says the syntax is wrong but I don’t see why, error print:

error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that Corresponds to your Mysql server version for the right syntax to use near '''home' SET 'conteudo'='asx' WHERE 1' at line 1

  • 1

    Now that I noticed: the query passes the table name into a variable $pagina, received by POST. This is not possible to parameterize in an appropriate way (see kaminari’s answer), indicates a strange structure, where each page is a table. If so, I recommend rethinking the structure of your bank.

2 answers


The error is in using single quotes around table and column names. The correct query would be:

"UPDATE $pagina SET conteudo='$conteudo' WHERE 1"

However, never, never, never, never use a POST variable in the query like you did, or your database will be EXTREMELY vulnerable to intrusions.

As I have already commented on another recent question of yours, it is also highly recommended to stop using the functions mysql_*, that have been discontinued. Use the mysqli, or the PDO. More details on How to prevent SQL code injection into my PHP code.

  • Can you tell me any post or reference about variável vinda do POST na query to speak in more detail on this subject

  • I would indicate the linked question itself at the end of my answer. The point is SQL Injection. If you concatenate user-provided values directly into a query, it is subject to injection. The simplest solution is to use Prepared statements.

  • Yes, I wanted an example to understand how using POST in the query becomes vulnerable.

  • Example: And it’s not just POST, every user entry has potential for SQL injection.


Your code would be next to this example below with PDO:

try {
  $conn = new PDO('dns', 'user', 'pass', array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
  $stm = $conn->prepare('UPDATE nomeTabela SET conteudo = :conte');
  $stm->bindValue(':conte', $_POST['edit'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
} catch (Exception $e) {

With this code you avoid several problems of SQL Injection as already pointed out by bfavaretto.

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