Apache error on Windows 10


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Well... before upgrading to win 10, apache worked just right, both with WAMP, XAMMP, Easyphp, etc.. after I upgraded to win 10 I open the xammp , and when I start Apache, I get this following error:

20:34:36 [apache] Error: apache shutdown unexpectedly.
20:34:36 [Apache] This may be due to a blocked port, Missing dependencies,
20:34:36 [Apache] Improper privileges, a crash, or a shutdown by Another method.
20:34:36 [Apache] Press the Logs button to view error logs and check
20:34:36 [Apache] the Windows Event Viewer for more Clues
20:34:36 [Apache] If you need more help, copy and post this
20:34:36 [Apache] entire log window on the forums

From what I noticed, running Easyphp, he says that port 80 is already being used by another application, however this is a system application, and there is no way to finish,

There’s a way I can change this door 80 so it works ? or what I have to do?

2 answers


I found an answer in stackoverflow (english).

One possible solution is that Windows 10 comes with a service called Word Wide Web Publishing Service (I don’t know the name in English) and it ends up blocking port 80. If this is your case you should access the windows service manager and stop it.

This problem can also happen with other programs like Skype, Teamviewer and others blocking the port. The idea is to try to figure out which application is causing the problem and stop it.

Another likely solution shown was to re-urge the Visual C++ Redistributable and then re-install WAMP/XAMPP.

  • I use apache in windows 10, never had problems with port 80 that was not Skype, I believe it is 98% of the cases, it even offers option not to use in your settings, so I would give this check first, and so my upvote for this guy!


I asked a question that looked like yours and I got an answer that solves this problem:

What happens is that there is a service probably connected to IIS(express I believe) which is also a web server, it comes by default enabled, to solve this without changing the standard apache port, press Winkey+R and type services.Msc look for: World Wide Web Publishing Service and let this service start manually.

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