(Django) How to implement a button in the template that triggers any method?


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My question is about implementing buttons in any template. I want to click this button and do the same thing, such as display a message on the screen. How can I do that? Here is an image of my application that I want to add an "Exit" button that will say a trivial message like xau. imagem

  • You have two alternatives, make appear the message using JavaScript or link to redirect to another template that has this message, which is the question?

  • Do you mean to implement a button using Javascript? Sorry ignorance is that I have never studied JS. My other question is whether there is any way I can create a button using HTML in conjunction with Django’s template tags that triggers a method I implemented myself?

  • What do you mean? This kind of thing can only be done via Ajax. If what you want is just to show a message, or you redirect to another page or write this message via JavaScript.

  • It’s just that my teacher asked me to research how to implement my own methods to be used in Django and display their operation on a screen. That’s why I wanted to use the button to call a custom action.

  • For this you only have these options I mentioned, with Ajax you make a request to the server, process the request and return what you need without updating the page. The other way is to create a url that when accessing treats what you want and redirects to the successful page. This is at your discretion.

2 answers


I understand you want to do this in Django. Well, if in your case you want to register and after the registration display the message, my tip would be this:

And at the end of your view registration function you should add a render request, like this:

def nome_da_sua_view(request):
    # Código de cadastro aqui
    return render(request, 'thanks.html', {})

Remember that it should stay within the validation if it is a POST method, something like this:

 if request.method == 'POST':

Then you should add this redirect to your URLS:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^thanks/', 'nome_do_seu_app.views.nome_da_sua_view'),

Finally, inside your template folder, it should contain an HTML file called Thanks.html.


Thank you guys! I’ve done many tricks here, it was necessary to create a url that calls a view that executes the action. I implemented the view to list all the addresses already registered and then put the list in a template. This way when I click on the button "display entries" the screen of registered addresses is displayed immediately, this was done with Ajax. imagem1 imagem2

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