Gitlab - I can no longer clone or pull from my repository


Viewed 493 times


I have Gitlab on my Ubuntu server in production for 8 months. I can’t clone or pull from a repository (+/-400mb), but other smaller repositories work normally.

I don’t even know where to start to find the problem.

Note: I’m using for Tortoisegit. When I ask for a pull, the status appears:

git.exe pull -v --no-rebase --progress  "origin"

POST git-upload-pack (gzip 1057 to 604 bytes)
POST git-upload-pack (gzip 1157 to 653 bytes)

Doesn’t come out of it.

  • tries to make a new clone with Depth uses git clone --Depth=1 URL

  • With this option worked! What she does exactly?

  • This option does not pull all repository history, it makes a shallow clone at a specific depth. In the documentation: Create a 'Shallow' clone with a history truncated to the specified number of revisions.

  • I understood. But because my directory (which already exists and I work in it daily) stopped doing the Pull?

  • I don’t know. Try to check if you’re in the correct branch there, if it’s not Detached, if the branch exists in origin. If you have everything right leave running while there is no error

  • Everything is fine. Even the last Pull/Push was last week. Yesterday I left for about 2 hours and nothing.

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