Modal screen does not close after searching the Iframe inside it


Viewed 162 times


I decided to open this post, because the same is continuation of a post I did, but with the following difference. The research I was having trouble doing from a Modal screen with Iframe in ASP now works. The point now is that the Modal screen does not close after the search, but the search works, because if I close Modal manually, it works. See below the code, which colleague Tobymosque helped me to do(merits of it).

function selecionar(num_contrato, cod_ts_contrato, nome_entidade){
<%if trim(strAction) = "" then %>
    var janela = null;
    var isIFrame = false;
    var isPopUp = false;        
    if (window.dialogArguments) {
        isPopUp = true;
        janela = window.dialogArguments;
    } else if (window.parent.opener) {
        isPopUp = true;
        janela = window.parent.opener;
    } else if (window.parent.frameElement) {
        isIFrame = true;
        var documento = window.parent.frameElement.ownerDocument
        var janela = documento.defaultView || documento.parentWindow;

    if (janela) {
        var form01 = janela.document.form01 || janela;
        var cod_ts_contrato_id = "<%= trim(txt_nome_campo_cod_ts) %>" || "cod_ts_contrato";
        var num_contrato_id = "<%= trim(txt_nome_campo_cod) %>" || "num_contrato";
        var nome_contrato_id = "<%= trim(txt_nome_campo_desc) %>" || "nome_contrato";
        var funcao_executar_id = "<%= trim(funcao_executar) %>";
        var indsubmit = "<%= lcase(indsubmit) %>" === "true";

        var ocod_ts_contrato = form01[cod_ts_contrato_id];
        var onum_contrato = form01[num_contrato_id];
        var onome_entidade = form01[nome_contrato_id];
        var ofuncao_executar = funcao_executar_id ? janela[funcao_executar_id] : null;

        if (ocod_ts_contrato) ocod_ts_contrato.value = cod_ts_contrato;
        if (onum_contrato) onum_contrato.value = cod_ts_contrato;
        if (onome_entidade ) onome_entidade .value = nome_entidade;
        if (typeof ofuncao_executar === 'function') ofuncao_executar();

        if (indsubmit) {
        } else if (onum_contrato != null && onum_contrato.disabled==false && onum_contrato.enabled==true) {

    if (isIFrame) {

    if (isPopUp) {

<%else %>
    document.form01.cod_ts_contrato.value = cod_ts_contrato;
    document.form01.num_contrato.value = num_contrato;
    document.form01.action = '<%Response.write strAction & "?PT=" & Request("PT")%>';
<%end if %>

Here is the code on the parent screen (modal caller). Code to close Modal

var fecharModal = function () {
        var dialog = $(janela.document.getElementById("dialog"));

Code to open Modal(create)

var dialog = $("#dialog1");
var openModal = $("#btnLupa");
var frame = window.frameElement;

    modal: true,
    autoOpen: false,

dialog.load(function () {


var AbrirModal = function (url, title, width, height) {
    dialog.attr("src", url);
    dialog.dialog("option", "title", title);
    dialog.dialog("option", "width", width);
    dialog.dialog("option", "height", height);

With all these codes this is the error that gives: Does not recognize window. If I declare so: var janela = null; and I follow the code as it is, makes that mistake:

Uncaught Typeerror: Cannot read Property 'Document' of null

If I copy the window declaration in the select function and paste in the close function, it still gives this error. On hold.

  • It worked like this: var closeModal = Function () { var dialog = $(Document.getElementById("dialog1"); dialog.dialog("close"); }

  • I would like to give credit to Mr Tobymosque for his effort and commitment in trying to help me.

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