Problem opening a modal


Viewed 336 times


I’m using a framework called BootsFaces and every time I try to open a modal from a commandButton the modal opens but stays this way: inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

As you can see the modal is not enabled.

button that opens the modal:

<p:toolbar style="margin-top: 20px">
                <b:commandButton icon="glyphicon glyphicon-floppy-save"
                value="Pesquisar" look="success" style="margin-left:1px"
                ajax="true" oncomplete="$('.modalPseudoClass').modal();"
                update="frmPrin" />


        <b:modal id="amodal" title="Cadastrar Contrato"
            styleClass="modalPseudoClass" closable="false"
            close-on-escape="false" backdrop="false">

            <p:outputLabel value="Código" />
            <b:inputText fieldSize="sm" readonly="true"/>

            <f:facet name="footer">
                <b:button value="Voltar" dismiss="modal" onclick="return false;" />
                <b:commandButton value="Salvar" look="primary" dismiss="modal"
                    oncomplete="return false;"
                    update=":msgGlobal :frmPrin" />
  • 1

    tried to open it by <b:button>?

  • Yes, it’s the same

  • [pt] As far as I can see, your XHTML page is correct. I have two ideas: Maybe the problem is Primefaces. Do you use something like p: blockUI? The image looks like an active blockUI. Second, try my demo project on What version of Bootsfaces do you use?

  • [en] As far as I can see, your XHTML page is correct. I’ve got two Ideas: Maybe the problem is Primefaces. Do you use Something like p:blockUI? The screenshot looks like an active blockUI. Second, Try my demo project at Which version of Bootsfaces do you use?

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