Hello, does anyone know how I can solve this problem?
I already installed Avast and solved the "virus" problem on my machine, but now I can’t start Jboss.
14:31:07,232 INFORMAÇÕES [org.jboss.modules] JBoss Modules version 1.1.1.GA
JBAS015801: Invalid option 'http://www.seekmx.com/?bd=hp&oem=hprotect&uid=WDCXWD3200BPVT-22ZEST0_WD-WXD1AC0C4075C4075&version='Usage: ./standalone.sh [args...]
Thank you
You set the standalone.xml correctly?
– Wellington Avelino
Yeah... I looked at standalone.xml but I didn’t find anything different... I didn’t understand where Jboss is finding this seekmx. Would it be some configuration of windows? valeuuu
– Mamga
I haven’t found anything like it yet, man.
– Wellington Avelino
Strange thing... I just deleted Jboss’s folder and downloaded it again... It’s the same thing. So I think it may be some operating system variable something like this... But I also found nothing. Anyway thank you very much.
– Mamga
Someone comes along to answer, I’ll follow the question.
– Wellington Avelino
Friend, I restarted the computer once more and now the initial Jboss normally. It is something wrong with my computer itself, so we did not find answers on google. Thanks again...
– Mamga