Input Hidden + select


Viewed 1,990 times


Folks I have a foreach that will populate the select as below:

<select id="status" name="status[]" class="order-type">
     <?php foreach ($produtos as $produto) : ?>
        <option value="$produto['id']"><?=$produto['nome'];?></option>

I also want to pass the price of the product because I need to display it in the table as shown below, I tried to do with Hidden input, this way:

<select id="status" name="status[]" class="order-type">
     <?php foreach ($produtos as $produto) : ?>
        <option value="$produto['id']"><?=$produto['nome'];?></option>
        <input type="hidden" name="preco" value="<?=$produto['preco']?>">

But hence the next products stay out of select, as below:

Erro no select após inserir input hidden

This data I receive in Java this way:

    var form_data = {};
    var dados = {};
    form_data["status"] = $('.payment-form #status option:selected').text();
    form_data["amount"] = $('.payment-form input[name="amount[]"]').val();
    form_data["valor"]  = $('.payment-form input[name="valor"]').val();
    var valor  = getMoney($('.payment-form input[name="valor"]').val());
    form_data["total"] = formatReal(("R$ "+form_data["amount"] * valor));
    var total = form_data["amount"] * valor;
    form_data["remove-row"] = '<span class="ico-cancel"></span>';
    var row = $('<tr></tr>');

    $.each(form_data, function( type, value ) {
      $('<td class="input-'+type+'"></td>').html(value).appendTo(row);
    $('<input/>').attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "produto"+ contador + "[]").val(form_data["status"]).appendTo(row);
    $('<input/>').attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "produto"+ contador + "[]").val(form_data["amount"]).appendTo(row);
    // $('<input/>').attr("type", "hidden").attr("name", "produto"+ contador + "[]").val(form_data["valor"]).appendTo(row);
    $('.preview-table > tbody:last').append(row);
     sum += total;

Can anyone help me solve? Or some other way to pass the price?

Thank you.

  • This select is multiple?

  • No, it’s simple.

1 answer


The problem is the input within the select. Within the select, tags only option may be contained.

I don’t know what the domain of your application, but I don’t recommend passing a price through a input from the customer side to the application for security reasons: imagine in an e-commerce if a user decides to edit this price and check out the shopping cart? The wrong price would be used, and the user benefited.

If you really want to have the customer-side price, I recommend adding an attribute to the tag option, stating the price:

<option value="$produto['id']" preco="$produto['preco']"><?=$produto['nome'];?></option>

In this case, a little Javascript will be required depending on your use.


Using the above suggestion to pass the price as a tag attribute option, you can use the following command to get the price associated to the option selected in the combo:

$('.payment-form #status option:selected').attr('preco');

In the JS of the question, I saw no reference to input previously added, but I believe it refers to the places where you use the selector .payment-form input[name="valor"].

In this case, for example, the line:

form_data["valor"]  = $('.payment-form input[name="valor"]').val();


form_data["valor"]  = $('.payment-form #status option:selected').attr('preco');

The same process should be used in the other occurrences where you want to get the price of the selected product.

  • True Vinicius, had not touched me of that hehe.. as you advise me to send the price?

  • 1

    @user13840 sincerely recommend not to send, because depending on the domain of your application, there are no serious security implications. Edit in your question how you are sending this information today (if used form, if it is Ajax, if it uses jQuery, etc), so that I can give a more targeted response =]

  • Vinicius, see if you can help me now please.

  • I edited the question, see if it’s clear now.

  • 1

    Shooowwww, I’ve already scored as a response, thank you very much Vinicius.

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