What is the shortcut for code execution in Sublime Text?


Viewed 14,161 times


How do I make the shortcut Ctrl(Cmd)+B in Sublime Text, run Python codes on the same screen as the code?

  • I recommend that you see the Sublime REPL. See this issue.

  • I put it but it opens a console tab to type the commands ,what I wanted was like this: http://uploaddeimagens.com.br/imagens/sem_titulo-png-4829/showcode

  • You have to configure the build system. As it says in the documentation.

  • You saved the file with the extension .py? As I recall this is all you need.

2 answers


There are some ways to do this.

I usually squeeze CTRL+SHIFT+P and type until the option appears Build: With Python.

Another way is you select Tools > Build System > Automatic. When you need to turn the Build standard of that extension, you use the shortcut CTRL+B. If you have more than one Build System for the same language, the suggestion is to appear Ctrl+Shift+B.

Then a list of options will appear and you choose with which Build you will perform.

  • Good Wallace, helped here, configured Python and a file-based HTML generator . Md +1


It’s easy, just follow these steps:

Tools > Build System > Automatic.

Once this is done, when you need to run that switch, just give the CTRL+B command.

I hope I’ve helped.

  • Your reply is identical to the answer from Wallace which is from 2016, almost 4 years ago.

  • I didn’t even realize, I’ll do what if this is the answer!

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