Change all type of re-request keeping the parameters and URL via htaccess


Viewed 255 times


I’ve been racking my brain for hours trying to figure out this htaccess thing

My need is the following, I have a root directory of my system, and each user accesses the system by URL

But I need to internally load, without revealing to the user, and without changing the URL, even interacting with the system, if it tries to access: id=20 would id=20

htaccess can help me with this?

  • What you already have of htaccess?

  • so I know very little then I was doing: Rewriterule .* [R=302]

  • it has basically nothing, I really do not understand anything of htaccess, I wanted to know how to make redirects keeping some snippets of the URL and the parameters without changing the address pro user

  • Have you already enabled rewrite? Else add RewriteEngine on at the beginning of htaccess. Try it like this RewriteRule ^(\w*)/contas$ sistema/contas [QSA, L], I’m not sure it’ll work..

  • was active, does not work yet, what I had so far was: Options +Followsymlinks Rewriteengine on Rewritecond %{HTTP_HOST}[nc] Rewriterule (.*) [r=301,nc] but it does not work.

1 answer


  • Actually the routes are already configured, still giving error 500 Internal server error

  • See the error log of the web server. There is the reason for error 500

  • Excuse the noobse but where do I see it?

  • In the web server installation directory there should be a "logs" directory. If you use Linux, the logs should be in /var/logs/apache. See more here

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