Using Virtualfields in cakephp variable


Viewed 43 times


I created a virtual field, but I don’t have much concept about it, until today I only used to make pagination, as I do to use the result of this virtual in a variable?

public $virtualFields = array(
    'js_dt_inicio' => '(CASE WHEN inicio_de IS NOT NULL AND inicio_de!=\'\' AND DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY)<=inicio_de THEN inicio_de ELSE DATE_ADD(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 30 DAY) END)',
  • 1

    you know what a virtualField?

  • Create a virtual field with sql criteria in a template.

  • Therefore this virtual field will be created on the return of a query sql, to return the virtual field value in a variable you need to make a query that returns your virtualField.

  • My question is how to mount this query in the controller.. $this->Curso->find('js_dt_inicio');

  • $this->ModelName->find("all"); need to tell more details to help you assemble this find(), what you’ve already done?

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