Tiered login system with access level


Viewed 878 times


Good morning, I am making a software for completing a course at school, and I need to make a login system with access level (I am programming in layers and using SQL SERVER 2012).

I saw a tutorial on the net that the user had to choose the level of access when he was going to log in, but wanted that when logging in as admin, everything would be released and when logging in as a seller (for example) would have restrictions, so he would not need to choose the level of access. Could someone help me?

If necessary I can show the login system codes.

  • 2

    Post the code and point to doubt

1 answer


Friend, the best way is to assign the level of access, when registering the seller with the data that identifies him, or in a separate table in the database, linking what identifies the seller to the level of access, and the program of course, will have to do this check, the moment this user tries to access the data, screens, etc.


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