Capture double quote content with recursion with Regex


Viewed 701 times


I need to capture double quotes with Regex in PHP. I tried using line-breaking recursiveness in several ways, but to no avail. I’ve combed through several topics and researched how to do that, but so far I haven’t been able to.

Block example:

mes "teste de mensagem";
input "blablabla";
switch("este é um":"placeholder");
end script;

Last code I used:


To test I’m using:

Remembering that there is no pattern for the rest, but what I need will always be inside a string with double quotes.

Thank you

  • In the call of preg_match_all() you used some PCRE modifier?

  • I’m trying with the multiline (m) modifier

  • But in this example it captures everything in quotes? what’s the problem?

  • It only captures the first one, I need it to capture all of them (including if you have more than one on the same line). That is, the recursion is not working...

  • 1

    Look at this example in case you’ll need to take everything in position 1 of the array, you can des/comment the example lines to see the difference.

  • It worked! He took all 317 strings, but in both positions 0 and 1 array. Why does it have two (and equal) positions? Edit: I just noticed, the difference is the quotes. Wonderful! Want to post as answer, so I mark as solution response?

  • 1

    I already put an answer, hahah the most difficult thing was to assemble the regex you did just switched function.

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1 answer


To catch all the captured occurrences use the function preg_match_all() and not preg_match(). The zero index has everything that was captured, while the others contain the result(capture) of the groups that are the expressions in parentheses.

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