Error "Intellisense: 'No Additional information available'" in Visual Studio 2012


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Today my computer crashed (because of Google Chrome! ) and I needed to restart it. Visual Studio 2012 was open at the time (and I lost a few lines of code that I hadn’t saved).

The problem is that after this event, my Intellisense just stopped working! If I try to use (by shortcut keys, or menu, or by typing std::[...]) he displays the message:

Intellisense: 'No Additional information available' (See 'Troubleshooting Intellisense in C++ Projects' for further help.)

For the record, I’ve been there microsoft documentation see such "additional information" (completely useless). I have also already initialized the VS, already deletes the files .sdf and .suo project, already excludes the folder ReflectedSchemas... Anyway, I’ve already made all the suggestions I found in this reply by Soen and even some other ideas this other question also in the Soen. And, uh, no Intellisense working.

Has anyone ever had this problem, or has any other information that might be useful?

My Visual Studio is Professional 2012 and the project is in C++.

Another piece of information that might be relevant: my project is in Qt, so I upload the Visual Studio project files directly from .pro using the qmake. I have also tried to regenerate these files, but this did not resolve the problem.

  • 1

    Install the 2015 :D

  • @Look, it’s a great idea. :)

  • A more serious tip now. Ask in the OS.

  • @bigown I thought about it. So much so that I went there to look first. But, you see, it’s been explored a lot and the problem is kind of bizarre anyway. As it is not something absolutely necessary (and, by the way, I am also installing VS 2015 now) or preventing me to continue my work, in the end I chose to post here because at least it is the link of the problem already kind of discussed for future reference of other people.

  • 2

    You tried to click Rescan Solution in the project menu and then press Ctrl+Space in the code

  • @Felipedurar It was a good suggestion. I went to try to do it, but Intellisense started working again. : / Anyway, thank you!

  • Guys, I myself voted to close this question because the problem is not something consistent (as well as difficult to reproduce). After restarting the computer (because of the installation of VS 2015, suggested by @bigown jokingly), Intellisense started working again. Please vote to close as well. I chose not to remove because it will someday someone has the same kind of problem - at least the links can be of some help.

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