The barcode is being generated through a class of a DLL downloaded from the internet. I need to change this bar code, but this class is blocked. How can I do a trick?
The barcode is being generated through a class of a DLL downloaded from the internet. I need to change this bar code, but this class is blocked. How can I do a trick?
First, it is unlikely that you will need to fiddle with the barcode. This is something standardized and if you are ready, tinkering will probably only spoil.
Blocked class is a term I don’t know but I’ll understand that you can’t touch it for some reason.
If you only theme DLL and there is no way to access an API of it, have little to do.
You can’t help much with so little information. We don’t even know what you’re talking about.
If you don’t have the code, there’s a chance you can decompile it, tweak what you need and recompile it. But it is not something so simple, the code is very bad, it is not easy to touch it and depending on the case will be doing something illegal.
If you have the code you don’t need any tricks, just change the code you have.
It’s a class of that Boletonet, I managed to change some things and turn from santander to Radesco. But the main thing that is the barcode can not change pq is being loaded straight into a class that is Metadata.
It’s that you don’t give details about it, so it’s not easy to help but there must be some change in the code you need to do and you didn’t. As far as I have seen the code generates the digitable code for Bradesco and the barcode is standard for all banks and does not need to be touched.
Ahhh did not know this. But it has a folder that contains several images of different bar codes. I thought I would have to pass some image different from the one that carries in the boleto of santander.
Certainly not that, this should be examples only, it is not to have the barcodes ready, they will have to be generated on time, after all each code has a different number, otherwise it would not make sense to have the bars there if they were equal for all billets. The standard of the banks in Brazil is the Interleaved 2 of 5
Ahh, just to see if I understand, in this case then it’s that number on top, at the beginning of the billet on the upper right, correct ?
I think that’s it. This number is that it’s different not only for each billet, obviously, but the way of calculating each bank as well. And as far as I’ve seen, it has to all the major banks. The barcode is just a bar representation of this number. The way to make the bars is standardized and do not need to touch it.
I could understand. Thank you, you helped a lot.
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Don’t do a stunt. Change the original class on Github, test it locally, then send a pull request for the author. Needs a script?
– Leonel Sanches da Silva
@Ciganomorrisonmendez, is a class of Boletonet, where I already had/have a boleto do santander, I needed to create one from Bradesco. I was able to alter some information, but the main thing is the barcode.
– AndreeH
What is reverse engineering?
– Randrade
Boletonet is open and free software. You can download the source and compile. Then the class is not blocked. And best of all, if you do something that’s useful to you, it’s likely to be useful to the rest of the community as well. Then you can upload your modification and everyone will use it and love you. Follow the link from the repository:
– Oralista de Sistemas