How to apply the 3-layer concept with Gridview C#?


Viewed 236 times


I have a project where I present a Gridview in a Webforms project C#. I tried to apply the concept of 3 layer in this way, but the page only of the Reload and the grid does not appear in the page.

Follow the example of the code below:

public class bltboletoDAL

    public DataTable GetDataGridView(DataTable Dt, int CodMorador)
        MySqlDataReader Dr;
        MySqlConnection Con = Conexao.GetConnection();

        MySqlCommand Cmd;
        String Sql = "SELECT NumDocumento, Concat(Replace(Replace(Replace(Format(ValorBoleto, 2), '.', '|'), ',', '.'), '|', ',')) As ValorBoleto, DATE_FORMAT( VencimentoBoleto,  '%d/%m/%y' ) AS  'VencimentoBoleto',DATE_FORMAT( DataPagamento,  '%d/%m/%y' ) AS  'DataPagamento' From TbFatura where CodMorador=@v1 and Pago=1 ORDER BY VencimentoBoleto";

        Cmd = new MySqlCommand(Sql, Con);
        Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@v1", CodMorador);

        Dr = Cmd.ExecuteReader();

        if (Dr.Read())



        return Dt;


Business layer.

 public class bltboletoBusiness
    public void ViewGrid(GridView Grid)
        Grid.Visible = true;
        DataTable Dt = new DataTable();
        var SetTable = new bltboletoDAL();
        Dt = SetTable.GetDataGridView(Dt, ModuloGlobal.Global.CodMorador);

        Grid.DataSource = Dt;

Viewing layer.

protected void btnUltimosPagamentos_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        var blt = new bltboletoBusiness();

        GridBltEmAberto.Visible = true;
  • For those with the same or a difficulty close to this, was solved with . Databind() in the Business layer

  • where the Grid.Databind()?

1 answer


You have to call the Databind method from the grid:

public void ViewGrid(GridView Grid)
    Grid.Visible = true;
    DataTable Dt = new DataTable();
    var SetTable = new bltboletoDAL();
    Dt = SetTable.GetDataGridView(Dt, ModuloGlobal.Global.CodMorador);

    Grid.DataSource = Dt;

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