when I set a text in an Edittext I do so.
EditText edit = new EditText(this);
edit.setText("Meu Texto");
But I would like to set the text by id because in my case I have several editText called "Edit". They have the same name, but different ids. Is that possible? Thanks in advance.
I think I have an answer but, to be sure, I needed to check your code. I don’t see how you can have more than one variable called
– ramaral
i am dynamically creating editext’s, I created that Edittext within a "for", what differentiates editTexts are the ids, which I did that gambiarra to go incrementing and have different ids.
– daniel12345smith
Those Edittext are associated with some View/Layout?
– ramaral
Yes, there is a Linearlayout, I am doing everything in the mother, without using anything in xml.
– daniel12345smith