I’d like to know, I have to upload an iptv list: Some of these lists are in . xml, but this is not. How do I import
But I can’t figure out what follows every list of this:
#EXTINF: -1, Martanela TV
#EXTINF: -1, Calarai
#EXTINF: -1, Clouder TV
rtmp://$OPT:rtmp-raw=rtmp:// playpath=private swfUrl=http://livestreamcast.org/jwplayer/jwplayer.flash.swf live=1 pageUrl=http://ero-tv.org/redlight_online/
What I have to follow, to list data of type, which program uses this list?
This is a list of IPTV channels, which aspect of it you don’t understand? what you need to do?
– EProgrammerNotFound
I don’t really know if it follows an order, there is a list of iptv that follows some order... I created my own using xml... but I would like to import from other programs... but what do theirs follow as order? Att...
– abcd
The "playlist Download" app reads this list. This link can help you
– EProgrammerNotFound