Jquery jCarrousel Lite


Viewed 73 times


I’m using the plugin of JCarousel Lite and it worked well on a certain page. Now I’m applying on another project msm page only that instead of working, it puts widht: 0px height: 0px; in all elements and in the target div.

Someone’s been through it?

  • It should be css conflict. Try looking at the classes. Post more details of your css classes you are using

  • I’m using . And until then it worked fine.

  • But if css is changing it could be css class name conflict

  • I am being WELL specific in my css. There can be conflict beyond what Chrome Developer Tools does not accuse conflict.

  • You may have your own specific css, but you don’t know the css classes that Jcarousel Lite is creating. It is possible that there are two classes with the same name or so. But if you do not accuse conflict I do not see what might be

1 answer


Dude, try taking out the css and leaving Jcarousel Lite alone to see if it works. If it works, somehow your CSS is affecting.

  • share the same view

  • I basically need a div who gets the jcarousel, a ul with li’s so he knows the size of the Widht he’s gonna put in the code. At the foot where I’m not able to take out any css. But as I said, I use . And it is not possible that I am receiving any inheritance.

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