call the properties of a Tableviewcell in a Viewcontroller


Viewed 58 times


I’m trying to create a tableview with Cell dynamic according to the text inside it, and I’m trying to add the height of the label to the size of Cell but when I call the label in Viewconrtoller it’s empty and when I call in Tableviewcell it gives me the right size, how to pass (label.frame.size.height) from Tableviewcell to viewcontroller without losing its value.

  • Try this. <pre> -(Cgfloat)tableView:(Uitableview *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath: (Nsindexpath *)indexPath </pre>

  • I’m already using this method but I can’t pass the value of the label that is in my Tableviewcell to the viewcontroller

  • how you calculate cell phone size?

  • CGSize maximumLabelSize = CGSizeMake(296, FLT_MAX);&#xA; &#xA;CGSize expectedLabelSize = [self.descriptin.text sizeWithFont:self.label.font constrainedToSize:maximumLabelSize lineBreakMode:self.label.lineBreakMode];&#xA; &#xA; CGRect newFrame = self.label.frame;&#xA; newFrame.size.height = expectedLabelSize.height;&#xA; self.label.frame = newFrame;&#xA;

  • Dynamic Table View Cell Height and Auto Layout -

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1 answer


you can try this on cellForRowAtIndexPath:

    cell.Label-em-questao.tag = 789;
    [self sendCELL:cell];

then you recover the data in:

- (void)sendCELL:(UITableViewCell *)sender {
    CGRect tag = [(UILabel*)[(UITableViewCell *)sender.superview viewWithTag:789]frame];
    int width = tag.size.width;
    NSLog(@"%d", width);

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