Highlight term searched in bold with or without accent


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Hello friends would love your help a lot. I am trying to highlight the words typed in bold in the search. the code below works only if you type "Brazilian selection" more if you type "Soccer selection" nothing happens. I appreciate the help.. hugs..

//$post = "selecao de futebol"; //não funciona
$post = "selecao brasileira"; //funciona

$dados_mysql = "seleção brasileira de futebol";

$post = preg_replace('/[aáàâãäeéèêiíìoóòôõöuúùücç]/','(a|á|à|â|ã|ä|e|é|è|ê|i|í|ì|o|ó|ò|ô|õ|ö|u|ú|ù|ü|c|ç)',$post);
$resultado = preg_replace("/($post?)/i","<b>\\0</b>",$dados_mysql);

echo "$resultado";

2 answers


Do you want to remove accents and let lowercase? If it is, the Lower() function does it for you. After that, you have to run preg_replace for every word (otherwise it would only give match if the two words were followed both in the post when in the dados_mysql), then you have to make a explode. The findWords() function does this for you.

Do it like this:

function lower($string) {
    $string = mb_strtolower($string, 'UTF-8');
    $string = preg_replace('/[`´^~\'"]/', null, iconv( 'UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $string ) );
    return $string;

function findWords($string1, $string2) {
    $stringLow1 = lower($string1);
    $stringLow2 = lower($string2);

    $stringLow1 = explode(" ", $stringLow1);

    foreach ($stringLow1 as $string) {
        $stringLow2 = preg_replace("/($string?)/i","<b>\\0</b>", $stringLow2);

    $string2 = explode(" ", $string2);
    $stringLow2 = explode(" ", $stringLow2);

    foreach ($stringLow2 as $key => $string) {
        if (preg_match("/<b>/", $string)) {
            $string2[$key] = '<b>' . $string2[$key] . '</b>';

    $string2 = implode(" ", $string2);

    return $string2;

$dados_mysql = "seleção brasileira de futebol";
$digitado = "seleção de futebol";

echo findWords($digitado, $dados_mysql);

Note: analyzed the possibility of doing this in the Front-end? This is my suggestion.

  • Too big to put in a comment, I edited the answer.

  • 1

    Wow.. perfect.. It’s already the 7°day that I try to do this and you solve in a few minutes. you are to congratulations.. hugs..


You can try developing using the function strripos:

$termo_pesquisa     = 'ababcd';
$buscar             = 'ab';
$pesquisar          = strripos($termo_pesquisa, $buscar);

if ($pesquisar === false) {
    echo "Sinto muito, nós não encontramos ($termo_pesquisa) em ($buscar)";
} else {
    echo "Parabéns!\n";
    echo "Nós encontramos a <strong>($buscar)</strong> em ($termo_pesquisa) na posição ($pesquisar)";

If there are any questions you can read the documentation as well: http://php.net/manual/en/function.strripos.php

  • Opa André ok. thanks for the answer. more the problem is that I’m using an autocomplete with this my code. more thank you anyway..

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