I am building PDF’s, and I need to print a string with special characters. I am constructing the string as follows (using iTextSharp
PdfPCell teste = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("<O meu texto> '\u20ac'", fontetexto));
Now what matters, my string is "<O meu texto> '\u20ac'"
, where the '\u20ac'
present €
. Only I want to print a password point, as the following image shows:
I’m tired of searching lists with special characters for C# / ASP MVC and can’t find more of the characters like / , [, ]
for example. How can I build the string with the special characters?
Unicode character table Maybe it’ll help.
– 2madera
I’ve been looking for the
and I couldn’t find him– CesarMiguel
Row 20A0 + Column 0C = 20AC
– 2madera