Pagination and Order BY


Viewed 112 times


I have noticed that some sites in wordpress use in the links the following code


Could you explain to me the variations of this code?

For example, it would be possible to sort articles by letter as follows.

?orderby=title&order=asc letter A : shows articles with letter A

?orderby=title&order=asc number of posts : shows 20 articles

1 answer


These "variations" you see are the parameters of WP Query. In the link you can see all the (many) possible combinations that can be made. Answering your questions in particular:

Show articles with letter A

Articles containing the letter A, in whichever article point? Articles whose title initiating with the letter A?

Assuming it is the last one, I believe you have to make some sort of filter after the consultation. I don’t know if this is possible just by using the query parameters. You can do something like this:

$args = array(
    'orderby' => 'title',
    'order' => 'ASC',
    'posts_per_page' => -1 //retorna todos os posts da base


if (have_posts()) { 

    $letra = 'A';

    while (have_posts()){
        $letraInicial = strtoupper(substr($post->post_title,0,1));
        if ($letraInicial == $letra) {
            // coisas do loop, como the_title() e etc

This code is far from great, but I believe it works as proof of concept. Basically, it searches all the posts from your base, and compares the first letter of each of them with a letter that you previously established. For more complex or even more performative queries, you can play with the $wpdb.

Show 20 articles

There is a proper parameter for this:

$args = array(
    'orderby' => 'title',
    'order' => 'ASC',
    'posts_per_page' => 20 //retorna o número de posts desejados

In query string format:


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