How do I list the images on a XHTML page


Viewed 55 times


Greeting to all,

is the first time that I am implementing a list of images on an XHTML page, my project is a news registration, and is using the upload approach recording the image path in the bank and the images on the desktop, is working perfectly only now need power list the images in datatable, my project has the following features;

It is a JSF2 project using Maven with JPA CDI implementation.

This was my attempt to implement the list of images, but it did not work, how do I fix it? It will be necessary to create a method in the Bean class to list the images outside the change in the Java web page?

        <p:column headerText="Foto" style="text-align: center; width: 100px">
                value="C:/workspace Web/Projetos Profissionais/Fotos para teste/#{}.jpg"
                cache="false" width="500" height="250" />
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