Select records in order


Viewed 44 times


I’m making a virtual store from scratch and the customer asked me to make the following logic:

  • Select first available products with photo
  • Then select the available ones without photo
  • Then select unavailable with photo
  • then selects the unavailable without photo

The problem is that I have no idea how to do this, because that I know only to perform the selection with the Where status = '1' AND photo != '', how can I follow the order above ?

  • Tried to list all products and sort according to the criteria?

  • No, but I thought about the possibility of using a foreach() to help me. I just wanted to see if you can do it directly in the SQL command

  • Puts the table structure

  • status = 1 (available) / 0 (unavailable) photo = '' (no photo) / 'image.png' (with photo)

  • Order by status desc , case when foto is null then 0 Else 1 end)

1 answer


It is possible to do using only the ORDER BY mysql

SELECT * FROM `tb_produto`
ORDER BY `status` DESC, LENGTH(`foto`) > 0 DESC;

When using the function LENGTH() the values '' (empty) and NULL for photo will be displayed last.

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