Pass Controls to a function


Viewed 329 times


I have an interface in Visual C#. In this interface I have a Class called T50 that contains all the variables I need.

I have already implemented a button that saves the object created by the T50 class. I can save and read this object (Using serialize).

Only when I re-read a saved object I need to fill in the part of the interface that the user had already filled in.

Within my T50 class there is a function to do this.

private void button_t50_carregar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Código de ler o dado

        // Usa uma função para preencher os dados

But within this function I need to access all the controls of my Form to adjust them(Button, Textbox, Datagridviwe....).

I know how to receive them individually, for example

public void PreencheInterface (T50 T50Data, TextBox text)

There’s a way I can pass them all at once?

  • You’re using WPF or Windows Forms ?

  • I am using Windows Forms. But my knowledge is not very advanced.

3 answers


You could do it like this:

Pass your Form for the method:

public void Metodo(NomeDoForm form)
    form.Controls["btnEsc"].Text = "Escape";

And within the method call each component of the form using the form.Controls["NomeComponente"].

And then just call the method on Form passing the this, which would be the form itself.


The Fillinterface function could receive the form object ( aspx) and iterate on the collection of controls within the form ( aspx).

private void button_t50_carregar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Obtém o formulário do botão clicado
        // (supondo que o form é o controle pai imediato do botão
        Form formulario = (Form)((sender as Button).Parent)

        // Código de ler o dado

        // Usa uma função para preencher os dados
  • Is it the object of the whole of Form1? But how do I pass this object to it. That’s what I’m not getting.

  • You can use the "Parent" attribute of the button (until you reach the form) and cast your cast for the form type. I improved the answer.


I was able to solve the problem by gathering everyone’s information. Thanks to @Meuchapeu and @rocmartins. I will leave my solution here for future doubts.

The problem was that my Form1 is composed by a Tappage, inside another Tabpage, and some buttons are still inside a Groupbox. From that button to get back to Form1, I had to do:

Form formulario = (Form)((((((((((sender as Button).Parent) as TabPage).Parent) as TabControl).Parent) as TabPage).Parent) as TabControl).Parent);

So I can pass this "form" to my method. And to access a button that is inside a Groupbox that is in this Tabpage:

form.Controls["TabControl1"].Controls["TabPage1"].Controls["TabControl2"].Controls["groupBox1"].Controls["button"].Text = "Novo Texto Botão".

Thanks for the help!

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