I have the following mistake:
Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context in /home/username/public_html/Administrar/application/controllers/holerites.php on line 29
Follow the sequence of rows 29 below:
if(empty($this->input->post('periodo'))) $periodo = date("m")+1; else $periodo = $this->input->post('periodo');
if(empty($this->input->post('dataInicial'))) $data_inicial = ""; else $data_inicial = $this->input->post('dataInicial');
if(empty($this->input->post('dataFinal'))) $data_final = ""; else $data_final = $this->input->post('dataFinal');
I have no idea why the localhost works but the server does not.
I added what I needed to a variable, and I was able to verify it. $periodo = $this->input->post('periodo');
– Sr. André Baill