What is the importance of certification?


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I have some friends who have certifications on certain technologies(Microsoft, Oracle, etc), but if you propose a challenge using the technologies they supposedly have knowledge can not develop, however I know people who have no certificate and can naturally solve this challenge.

What I’m trying to say is: What is the weight of a certification X technical and practical knowledge?

Many people when they go to give some proof of certificate decorate the questions and answers, because they know that the evidence is outdated.

How to evaluate a person and how much knowledge does he have of a certain subject? Are there established methodologies for this? For companies, what this affects?

  • This question is obviously opinionated and still induces the answers. The Certification is a differential, proves that you spent time preparing and is focused. The purpose of certification is not to compensate for years of experience, it is to complete this experience. Good certifications go into technical details that often go unnoticed for someone with years of experience; you have to study specifically for that certification. Certification enriches, such as a good degree or post. Certification is not indicative of experience, and experience does not replace certification. Have both.

3 answers


A certificate is (for the market) a way of proving that you have determined knowledge, rather than imposing on the contractor the burden of discovering and verifying it. Of course there are these points outside the curve, but usually the certified professionals I know are endowed with knowledge far above average.

On experience, I agree that she is much more important than any role, but today we go through a standardization of our area, since so many outside people (in management positions, HR...) need to deal with IT professionals. Nothing more common than creating rules that facilitate this work.

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    In the case of bids companies that have employees with certification have preference, correct? Because theoretically the employees of that company better master the technology the customer needs

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    @Laerte is true, but there are also discrepancies. My company has already used my certification to win bids for companies I would not serve.


Certificate value:

  • On the market: can help in a selection of curriculum by an HR, but virtually nothing in the technical sieve.
  • For whoever took it memorizing the responses from those websites that sell them: self-deception.
  • For those who have struggled to take: deepening a specific knowledge.
  • In practice: very little importance if you are able to study on your own, a little more important if you need a process to have study discipline.

Tip for self-taught students:

  • It is cheaper to prove knowledge by participating in a project open source or creating personal projects on Github, for example
  • It is cheaper and more productive to buy good books on the subject of certification
  • 2

    About the "self-deception" of the businesses they require and the people who spend money: well remembered! Attention must be paid to the context and the suitability of the certifier. On the use of Opensource: Companies are lacking in accepting and collaborating (stimulating their employees) in the use of opensource modules or software... The programmer who "hides" his production (most of us Brazilian analysts!!) is not being paid to "hide", should charge more, or demand the right to publish what was developed...

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    @Peterkrauss Good remarks. I got tired of "hiding" my work, including I was concluding a article on my blog about that.


In addition to what has already been said, that in large companies, which need to evaluate hundreds of resumes and the certificate is used as a cutoff criterion (accurate or not), I imagine that in other cases, by lesser weight that someone, or company, can assign for certification, she will always enter as a positive point in your resume.

Let’s say that only 2 candidates are competing for a position in a company, however many staff are evaluated, in cases where the evaluators consider that both candidates are equivalent, the certification may be decisive.

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