HTTP error 400 - "senderName invalid value" and "Must fit the patern: d+. d{2}2"


Viewed 1,111 times


I’m having a problem using the Pagseguro v2.5.0 api.

I don’t know how to create the sendbox, appID and the following message appears when I send the data to the pagseguro:

[HTTP 400] - BAD_REQUEST 0 [11012] - senderName invalid value: Flávia1 [11029] 
           - Item amount invalid pattern: 2.5. Must fit the patern: \d+.\d{2}2 [11014] 
           - senderPhone invalid value: 8428.7471

Can someone help me?

1 answer


There are 3 errors in your request:

The first is the name, the parameter is being passed with a number and Pagseguro does not accept numbers in the name field.

senderName invalid value: Flávia1

The second is quantity, use comma instead of dot.

Item amount invalid Pattern: 2.5.

And the third and last is the phone, don’t use dots to separate them, use hyphen for example: 1234-5678, don’t forget to pass the DDD too.

senderPhone invalid value: 8428.7471

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