How to remove the last character, store the result in a variable and use the variable outside of foreach?


Viewed 933 times


I have a code PHP thus:

foreach ($rows as $obj) :

    $all_ids = $obj->ID . ', ';


.. whose exit is 125, 148, 157, 169, 185,

How to remove the last comma and store the rest of the output in a variable to use it outside the foreach?

3 answers


I usually use a simpler approach when I want to turn an array or object into a comma-separated string.

   $rows = array("125", "148", "157", "169", "185");
   echo implode(',',$rows); //125,148,157,169,185
  • 2

    obviously the best option for the question posed.


Although the @rray answer is quite simple and useful, there is also another way to get the desired result. Use a bool to know if an item is first or not on the list.

An example:

   $rows = array("125", "148", "157", "169", "185");
   $all_ids = "";
   $first_row = true;
   foreach ($rows as $item){
      if ( $first_row ) {
       $first_row = false;
       $all_ids .= $item;
      } else {
       $all_ids .= ", ".$item;

This is quite useful in languages that do not have a function trim() that accepts values beyond space.

  • If you can’t use the trim() it is very useful this code, also possible to do with regex.


You can use the Trim to remove the last character right, the second argument says which character should be.


   $rows = array("125", "148", "157", "169", "185");
   $all_ids = "";
   foreach ($rows as $item){
      $all_ids .= $item.", ";

   echo trim(trim($all_ids),',');

Example - ideone


Or with substr, which will remove the space and comma.

   $rows = array("125", "148", "157", "169", "185");
   $all_ids = "";
   foreach ($rows as $item){
      $all_ids .= $item.", ";

   $all_ids = substr($all_ids, -0, -2);
   echo $all_ids;

Example - ideone


From php5.3 it is possible to use anonymous functions, which combined with array_map() eliminates the foreach. array_map apply a function to all elements of an array($row), anonymous function only returns property ID of the object, then just use the implode() to convert the array into a comma-separated string, as demonstrated by Jefferson Silva.

This approach was taken from PHP - Extracting a Property from an array of Objects

   //Monta um array igual ao da pergunta
   $valores = array("125", "148", "157", "169", "185");
   for($i=0; $i<5; $i++){
     $obj = new stdClass();
     $obj->ID = $valores[$i];
     $rows[] = $obj;

   $all_ids  =  array_map(function($item){ return $item->ID; }, $rows);
   echo implode(',', $all_ids);

Example - ideone

  • As simple as it sounds, it didn’t work. You noticed that this string is the result of a foreach?

  • 1

    @Marcosvinicius, is he overwriting the value? gets only last is that? in this case change the = for .= that will concatenate the string.

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