What is the difference between new Function and Eval?


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What’s the difference between new Function and eval, since the two seem to be doing the same thing?

Example with eval:

eval('1 + 1'); // 2

Example with new Function:

new Function('', 'return (1+1)')() // 2

2 answers


They don’t do the same thing:

eval() evaluates a string as a Javascript expression within the current scope and can access local variables.

new Function parses the code for a function object, which can be called. It cannot access local variables because the code runs in a separate scope.

What does that mean? Run this code:

function testEval() {
    var a = 'original';
    eval("(a = 'alterado')");

function testNewFunction() {
    var a = 'original';
    new Function("(a = 'alterado')")();


When we use eval the value of the variable a is changed. When we use new Function it remains unchanged.

  • I think you were wrong about the scope of variables, can you give an example where the Function does not access the variables eval can?

  • The big difference is the same scope.

  • @bfavaretto the big difference is that Function returns a function, and eval cannot return a function, returns the result of an expression.

  • Yes @Kaduamaral, but Function is much more useful (and more used) to create a eval than to create function instances to be used later.



The Eval() method evaluates Javascript code represented as a string. MDN


The Function constructor creates a new Function Object. In Javascript Every Function is Actually a Function Object. - MDN

Free translation:

The builder Function creates a new anonymized function object. In Javascript all functions are currently a function object.

The documentation explains itself, basically the val executes an expression, statement etc. Already the builder Function creates a new function object entitled to its entire prototype.


var a = new Function('', 'return (1+1)');
var b = eval("2 + a()");
var c = b + a();
var d = new Function("p", "return a() + b + c + p");
var e = eval("d(10) - 20");

console.log(a())   // 2
console.log(b)     // 4
console.log(c)     // 6
console.log(d(10)) // 22
console.log(e);    // 2

On the website of W3schools has this example in the constructor session Function:

var myFunction = new Function("a", "b", "return a * b");
var x = myFunction(4, 3);

And right after you say the following followed by another example:

You Actually don’t have to use the Function constructor. The example above is the same as writing:

var myFunction = function (a, b) {return a * b};
var x = myFunction(4, 3);

The sentence reads as follows (free translation):

Currently you do not need to use the function builder. The example below has the same effect.

  • The undescore.js uses the new Function :) in creating templates

  • 1

    Cool @Wallacemaxters, actually I think I’ve never seen the new Function. I’m new with Javascript, not from my time... kkkkk

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