How to create an anonymous (Closure) recursive function?


Viewed 231 times


In php, we can create recursive functions as follows.

function quack($quack = 1)

    if ($quacks >= 1) {
      echo "Quack";

Or, in case of avoiding problem with "renaming" the function.

function quack($quack = 1)

   $func = __FUNCTION__;

    if ($quacks >= 1) {
      echo "Quack";

But, and when it comes to anonymous functions?


$quack = function ($quacks)
   if ($quacks >= 1) {
      echo "Quack";
       // como chamo $quack aqui?

How could I make the function anonymous $quack in a recursive function?

  • Let’s see if someone kills this charade :)

1 answer


Simply assign your anonymous function to a variable and pass this variable by reference.

Take for example an anonic function that calculates the factorial of a value:

$factorial = function($n) use(&$factorial) {
    if ($n == 1) return 1;
    return $factorial($n - 1) * $n;

So we call this function by means of the variable to which it is assigned:

print $factorial(4); // 24

I saw in Soen’s reply:

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