Redeem the largest number of a matrix with criteria


Viewed 21,680 times


I need some formula or logic to rescue the largest number of a matrix, but with certain criteria.

As well as the formulas CONT.SES and SOMASES that counts and sums the numbers of a matrix when the criteria are 'met'.

Something that would work as a MAIOR.SES(IntervaloApuração;K;IntervaloCriterio1;Criterio1;...)

A simple example of how it would work:

|   |   A   |   B   |     C      |
| 1 | Data  | Ativo | Quantidade |
| 2 | 26/07 | SIM   | 35         |
| 3 | 26/07 | SIM   | 39         |
| 4 | 26/07 | NAO   | 40         |
| 5 | 27/07 | SIM   | 13         |

If I want the largest amount of the following criteria: data = 26/07 and Ativo = SIM the result would return me the amount of record 3 ie: 39

Someone with a solution?

  • 2

    Could create an example of a matrix and what it expects as a result?

  • Math, I edited the post with the example.

2 answers


Use the "MAXIMUM" function and within it use the "SE". However, you should be aware that the formula thus works for a single cell, for your case it is necessary to make it work with vectors, and for that there is a tool in Excel that is called Array Formulas.

To use it, it’s as simple as pressing three keys. Instead of pressing Enter, you will press Ctrl + Shift + Enter.

To be sure whether it worked or not, check whether the formula got a pair of keys before and after it, like this: {=MÁXIMO(SE(A2:A6=F2;(SE(B2:B6=F3;C2:C6))))}.

In your case, it would look like this:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

But don’t forget the Ctrl + Shift + Enter by typing the formula into cell F6.

  • Show ball! It was also possible to use the LARGEST that you can even rescue the second largest, bigger weaver and etc..


Even simpler, just use the formula MAXIMIMOSES, which does exactly what you want:


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