Maintain Session after closing browser using PHP


Viewed 467 times


I’m making a cart using session, has how to increase the time of session?

below is the class I created for my shopping cart.

class carrinhocompra{
public function __construct(){
        $_SESSION['carrinho'] = array();

public function adicionar($id, $qtd=1, $form_id=NULL){
        $indice = sprintf("%s:%s", (int)$id, 0);

    } else {
        $indice = sprintf("%s:%s", (int)$id, (int)$form_id);

        $_SESSION['carrinho'][$indice] = (int)$qtd;


public function aterarQtd($indice, $qtd){
        if($qtd > 0){
            $_SESSION['carrinho'][$indice] = (int)$qtd;

public function excluirProd($indice){


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1 answer


For this, you need to use cookies:

setcookie('carrinho', $_SESSION['carrinho'], time() + 60 * 60 * 24);
//Esse cookie expira em um dia, você pode alterar o valor de acordo com a sua necessidade

And at the time of showing the cart, you check whether the cookie exists:

$carrinho = $_COOKIE['carrinho'];
  • or I edited and put like this the class to my cart is just change where is $_Session to $_cookie or I have to do more thing?

  • session and cookie are two different things and go to work together, you check if there is something in the cookie and read it to fill in the cart information, any changes in the cart you need to update the cookie. You keep using sessions as before for other features.

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