Extremely slow site loading in Wordpres


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After several tests and now not knowing what else to do, I decided to turn to this community so that you can try to help me.

I am developing a client’s website in Wordpress. The address is www.marylindemuth.com.br. He’s staying at Hostinger’s premium plan. I have the site of another client hosted on Hostinger also, inclusive, in the free plan, and in this other site the problem is not presenting.

Here’s what happens: the site (Mary Lindemuth) is extremely slow, both the frontend and the backend. So, I imagine it is no problem caused by plugins or by the theme, since they are not loaded when we access the administrative interface of Wordpress, right?

Even so, I did a test disabling all plugins, one by one, to try to identify if one of them was causing the slow loading of the site. It didn’t help. I also tried to change the theme and still didn’t solve.

I imagined, then, that the problem was in the server. I contacted Hostinger and they replied that there is nothing wrong with them and that yes, the problem was the optimization of my site and that probably I was making misuse of Wordpress with excessive use of plugins and widgets.

However, if you visit the site (be patient, because it is very slow), you will see that it is quite simple and cannot be consuming so many resources. I have only 8 plugins installed and active while on other sites of other clients also hosted on Hostinger I have more than 20 plugins and the slowness does not present.

I would very much like to ask you to help me identify what might be causing this slowness. I did a test with Pingdom and the load time was 60 seconds. For me, it usually takes longer than that to load.

According to your experience, what may be happening?

Thank you in advance!


3 answers


I took a look at google pagespeed, it suggests that you compress the images ultialized on the site, as well as the javascript files. something else could call google’s Webfont on footer not to block page loading. last time I recommend the installation of a cache plugin follows some links that can give you a light:


project that shows how to improve your browser load:



Hello, your site is hosted on a weak host, acrédite, I used it, and know how it is, it has a very big response delay, but not only that, it lacks: GZip, Cache, Compactação Js, Compactação de CSS, Compactação de Imagens and Compactação de HTML.

Now come on, how to fix this, it’s pretty simple:

First, think about switching hosts or complaining about your Hosting.

Second, download the W3 Total Cache(https://wordpress.org/plugins/w3-total-cache/), on it you can activate Gzip, Compress HTML, JS, Images and CSS.

Third, download the WP Smush.it(https://br.wordpress.org/plugins/wp-smushit/) and activate image compression, configure as you wish, if I’m not mistaken they have Brazilian Portuguese version.

Another thing that can help, start using CDN’s, some are paid, but there are free ones, the WP Smush.it and the W3 Total Cache have CDN’s compatibility, use that will improve A LOT in the speed of the site.

If you do not want or can not use the W3 Total Cache, wordpress is with a Plugin called WP Super Cache(https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-super-cache/) which is excellent and helps A LOT on the site, and has many options, recommend using Pingdom(http://tools.pingdom.com/fpt/) to see the speed of your website, and Google’s Pagespeed Insights(https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/) to see the quality of your website.

Good luck.


I think the problem should not be caused by plugins and widgets, I joined the Website and it took only 2 seconds to enter, I entered again and I did this process 3 times, none of the times the website was slow. I took the liberty of going to the link part of /wp-admins to see if the panel was slow and I didn’t think it was slow either. According to this I think that the problem will even be an incompatibility with your website, I suggest you try to access it through another internet, sometimes there are direct incompatibilities with certain websites, this may be the case.

I also suggest that you leave 48 hours, because it may be some update or sub-load of some server, something that Hostinger sometimes cannot control and may happen, in which case just wait a little.

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