Error showing past time of multiple PHP posts


Viewed 113 times


function timeAgo($time_ago){
$cur_time   = time();
$time_elapsed   = $cur_time - $time_ago;
$seconds    = $time_elapsed ;
$minutes    = round($time_elapsed / 60 );
$hours      = round($time_elapsed / 3600);
$days       = round($time_elapsed / 86400 );
$weeks      = round($time_elapsed / 604800);
$months     = round($time_elapsed / 2600640 );
$years      = round($time_elapsed / 31207680 );
// Seconds
if($seconds <= 60){
    echo "$seconds segundos atrás";
else if($minutes <=60){
        echo "um minuto atrás";
        echo "$minutes minutos atrás";
else if($hours <=24){
        echo "uma hora atrás";
        echo "$hours horas atrás";
else if($days <= 7){
        echo "ontem";
        echo "$days dias atrás";
else if($weeks <= 4.3){
        echo "à uma semana";
        echo "$weeks semanas atrás";
else if($months <=12){
        echo "um mês atrás";
        echo "$months meses atrás";
        echo "um ano atrás";
        echo "$years anos atrás";

  $time_ago =strtotime($curenttime);
  echo timeAgo($time_ago);

Whereas $date_upload is equal to (dd-mm-yy hh:mm:ss) in the database.

This is the code, when I pull only one post it works, but when I pull several posts gives this error:

error: Cannot redeclare timeAgo() (Previously declared in C: xampp htdocs site poster.php:520) in)

  • 1

    It seems that in the file poster.php has a function with the same name as the one you posted (timeAgo), but can also be problem with adding files via include. Try to rename this function, and if you are using include, try to change to include_once.

1 answer


The error says that there is two or more times a function with the same name in your file or in the call of a include.

To solve the problem, I suggest you have at least two files, one with normal code processing and the other with only a small library functions, thus avoiding the collision of function names. Another alternative from php5.3 is to use name espaces.

There are some tools that identify code duplication and copy & Paste as the php mess dectector, also helps in identifying such collisions.

Example - simulated error.

Example - solution with namespaces.

  • 2

    manage rsolver thank you very much I created a function file called data.php and then I gave a include at the top of the include page ('data.php'); then I just did an echo on the <?php $curenttime=$date_uploaded; $time_ago =strtotime($curenttime); echo timeAgo($time_ago); ?>

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