I also developed a solution that works almost the same as Jformmatedtextfield.
The following characters can be used:
- # : Any Valid number (Character.isDigit).
- ' : Escape Character, used to escape any of the special formatting characters.
- U : Any Character (Character.isLetter). All lowercase Letters are Mapped to uppercase.
- L : Any Character (Character.isLetter). All uppercase Letters are Mapped to lowercase.
- A : Any Character or number (Character.isLetter or Character.isDigit).
- ? : Any Character (Character.isLetter).
- * : Anything.
- H : Any Hex Character (0-9, a-f or A-F).
Using without FXML:
// Criando uma máscara para telefone com o placeholder padrão
MaskedTextField text = new MaskedTextField("(###)#####-####"); // Only Number
// Mudando o placeholder para espaço
text.setPlaceHolder(" ");
// Muda a máscara (Preservando o texto de acordo com a nova máscara)
Using with FXML:
<?import packagepath.MaskedTextField?>
<MaskedTextField mask="(###)#####-####" placeholder=" " plainText="5555"/>
This solution is based on the code of the vas7n, centering the systematic of insertion in the mask has been completely reformulated. This code includes readability and performance enhancements, bug fixes, and inclusion of all Jformmatedtextfield masks.
* Copyright (C) 2017 Gustavo Fragoso
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package org.fxutils.maskedtextfield;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import javafx.application.Platform;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleStringProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.StringProperty;
import javafx.beans.value.ObservableValue;
import javafx.scene.control.IndexRange;
import javafx.scene.control.TextField;
* This approach has been inspired on https://github.com/vas7n/VAMaskField solution.
* We added new masks, fixed bugs and improved performance.
* Now this component works much closer to JFormattedTextfield.
* @author gbfragoso
public class MaskedTextField extends TextField{
// Available properties
private StringProperty mask;
private StringProperty placeholder;
private StringProperty plainText;
// Available masks
private static final char MASK_ESCAPE = '\'';
private static final char MASK_NUMBER = '#';
private static final char MASK_CHARACTER = '?';
private static final char MASK_HEXADECIMAL = 'H';
private static final char MASK_UPPER_CHARACTER = 'U';
private static final char MASK_LOWER_CHARACTER = 'L';
private static final char MASK_CHAR_OR_NUM = 'A';
private static final char MASK_ANYTHING = '*';
private ArrayList<Mask> semanticMask = new ArrayList<>();
private int maskLength;
private int semanticMaskLength;
public MaskedTextField(){
this.mask = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "mask", "");
this.placeholder = new SimpleStringProperty(this,"placeholder","_");
this.plainText = new SimpleStringProperty(this,"plaintext","");
public MaskedTextField(String mask){
this.mask = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "mask", mask);
this.placeholder = new SimpleStringProperty(this,"placeholder","_");
this.plainText = new SimpleStringProperty(this,"plaintext","");
public MaskedTextField(String mask, char placeHolder){
this.mask = new SimpleStringProperty(this, "mask", mask);
this.placeholder = new SimpleStringProperty(this,"placeholder",String.valueOf(placeHolder));
this.plainText = new SimpleStringProperty(this,"plaintext","");
// *******************************************************
// Property's value getters
// *******************************************************
public final String getMask(){
return mask.get();
public final String getPlaceholder(){
return placeholder.get();
public final String getPlainText(){
return plainText.get();
// *******************************************************
// Property's value setters
// *******************************************************
public final void setMask(String m){
maskLength = m.length();
public final void setPlaceholder(String holder){
public final void setPlainText(String text){
// *******************************************************
// Property getters
// *******************************************************
public StringProperty maskProperty(){
return mask;
public StringProperty placeholderProperty(){
return placeholder;
public StringProperty plainTextProperty(){
return plainText;
// *******************************************************
// Methods
// *******************************************************
* Configuration method
private void start(){
maskLength = getMask().length();
// When MaskedTextField gains focus caret goes to first placeholder position
focusedProperty().addListener((ObservableValue<? extends Boolean> observable, Boolean oldValue, Boolean newValue) -> {
Platform.runLater(() -> {
int pos = firstPlaceholderPosition();
selectRange(pos, pos);
* Take user mask and convert it into a Semantic Mask, when each value receives
* the state of literal or non-literal.
private void buildSemanticMask(){
String newMask = getMask();
for (int i = 0; i < maskLength; i++){
char c = newMask.charAt(i);
// If the actual char is MASK_ESCAPE look the next char as literal
if(c == MASK_ESCAPE){
semanticMask.add(new Mask(newMask.charAt(i+1), newMask.charAt(i+1), true, false));
semanticMask.add(new Mask(c, c, true, false));
semanticMask.add(new Mask(getPlaceholder().charAt(0), c, false, true));
semanticMaskLength = semanticMask.size();
* Returns to the initial semanticMask's state, when all non-literal values
* are equals to placeholder char and isPlaceholder is true.
private void resetSemanticMask(){
char p = getPlaceholder().charAt(0);
.filter(e -> !e.isLiteral())
.forEach(e -> {
* Updates all semanticMask's values according to plainText and set the
* editor text.
public void updateSemanticMask(){
String newPlainText = getPlainText();
int plainCharCounter = 0;
int plainTextSize = newPlainText.length();
char[] textPlain = newPlainText.toCharArray();
for(int i = 0; i < semanticMaskLength; i++){
Mask m = semanticMask.get(i);
// If we has free slots and plainText to add
if(m.isPlaceholder() && plainTextSize > plainCharCounter){
// Verifing if character entered are valid
if(isCorrect(m.getMask(), textPlain[plainCharCounter])){
// Change value of mask and turn off isPlaceholder
// When MASK_LOWER|UPPER_CHARACTER is set apply lower|upper to the char
if(m.getMask() == MASK_LOWER_CHARACTER){
}else if(m.getMask() == MASK_UPPER_CHARACTER){
// Remove wrong character from textplain
newPlainText = newPlainText.substring(0, plainCharCounter) + newPlainText.substring(plainCharCounter+1);
// Setting new text with mask
// Limiting plain text to number of free slots
if (plainTextSize > plainCharCounter)
newPlainText = newPlainText.substring(0, plainCharCounter);
// If the statement above comes "true" or wrong characteres are entered, ajust the plain text
if (!newPlainText.equals(getPlainText())){
* Get all the semanticMask's values and convert it into an string.
* @return String Concatenation of all values of semanticMask
private String allSemanticValuesToString(){
return semanticMask.stream().map(e -> String.valueOf(e.getValue())).collect(Collectors.joining());
* If a given char is literal, that is isn't a mask, return true
* else false.
* @param c character for verification
* @return boolean
private boolean isLiteral(char c){
return (c != MASK_ANYTHING &&
* For an given char and mask, returns if char is according with the mask
* @param m An valid mask value
* @param value Any char
* @return boolean Return true if the given char is according with the mask
public boolean isCorrect(char m, char value){
case MASK_ANYTHING: return true;
case MASK_CHARACTER: return Character.isLetter(value);
case MASK_NUMBER: return Character.isDigit(value);
case MASK_CHAR_OR_NUM: return Character.isLetterOrDigit(value);
case MASK_HEXADECIMAL: return Pattern.matches("[0-9a-fA-F]", String.valueOf(value));
case MASK_LOWER_CHARACTER: return Character.isLetter(value);
case MASK_UPPER_CHARACTER: return Character.isLetter(value);
return false;
* Browse semanticMask and give the position of first mask with isPlaceholder = true.
* Even if plainText has a placeholder on it.
* @return int first placeholder on mask
public int firstPlaceholderPosition(){
for(int i = 0; i < semanticMaskLength; i++){
return i;
return -1;
* Given a position in mask convert it into plainText position
* @param pos Position in mask
* @return converted position
private int maskPositionToPlaintextPosition(int pos){
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < semanticMaskLength && i < pos; i++){
Mask m = semanticMask.get(i);
if (!(m.isPlaceholder() || m.isLiteral())){
return count;
* Given a plain text position return the maskPosition
* @param pos
private int plaintextPositionToMaskPosition(int pos){
int countLiterals = 0, countNonLiterals = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < semanticMaskLength && countNonLiterals < pos; i++){
Mask m = semanticMask.get(i);
if (m.isLiteral()){
}else {
return countLiterals + countNonLiterals;
// *******************************************************
// Overrides
// *******************************************************
* Main method to insert text on mask.
* The left side of newString only exist if user insert text on middle, is empty on most cases
* @param start Edition's start range
* @param end Edition's end
* @param newText Text to be inserted/replaced
public void replaceText(int start, int end, String newText){
int plainStart = maskPositionToPlaintextPosition(start);
String oldPlainText = getPlainText();
String newString = oldPlainText.substring(0, plainStart) + newText + oldPlainText.substring(plainStart, oldPlainText.length());
int newPos = plaintextPositionToMaskPosition(newString.lastIndexOf(newText) + newText.length());
selectRange(newPos, newPos);
* Enables the delete/insert text at selected position
* @param string
public void replaceSelection(String string){
IndexRange range = getSelection();
deleteText(range.getStart(), range.getEnd());
replaceText(range.getStart(), range.getEnd(), string);
* Delete text char by char left to right (backspace) and right to left (delete)
* @param start Delete start
* @param end Delete end
public void deleteText(int start, int end){
int plainStart = maskPositionToPlaintextPosition(start);
int plainEnd = maskPositionToPlaintextPosition(end);
StringBuilder newString = new StringBuilder(getPlainText());
newString.delete(plainStart, plainEnd);
selectRange(start, start);
public void clear(){
The complete code is a little big to post here, but you can find it here.
See working:

From what I researched there is nothing already "ready". I found this question in the GUJ and this project on Github.
– Renan Gomes
From what I’ve seen they’re usually using a skin to get around this, here’s an example for cash values. https://github.com/thiagofdso/MoneyTest
– Thiago Oliveira
For those who might be interested, I also created a class to assign masks in numerical fields in a very simple way, below is the link to the video of demonstration and download of the class. Click here
– Marcos Ricardo Rodrigues
There is this solution too maskfield, works in fx 8.
– Riberto Junior