Field sorting of Join with Line in Mysql (C#, MVC)


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I have the following query:

query = from p in db.pessoa
        join f in db.pessoa_origem on p.Pessoa_Origem_Id equals f.Id
        join s in db.pessoa_status on p.Pessoa_Status_Id equals s.Id
        join c in db.contato on p.Id equals c.Pessoa_Id
        select p;

And I want to order by

The cardinality of the relationship between person and contact is 1 : n. That is, a person may have 0 or n contacts.

When I use the code:

query = query.OrderByDescending(u => u.contato.Count > 0 ? u.contato.OrderByDescending(t => t.Id).FirstOrDefault().Data : null);

It works though, it’s catching the biggest Id among the contacts to sort by his date. What I need is to pick up the contact with the highest date and sort by date. However, the following part does not work:

query = query.OrderByDescending(u => u.contato.Count > 0 ? u.contato.OrderByDescending(t => t.Data).FirstOrDefault().Data : null);

Could anyone help in how to solve this problem?

  • What do you mean by "the following passage does not work"? Does not compile or behave as you want?

  • From what I understand, you want an object returned Pessoa and a DateTime (or DateTime?) referring to this person’s last contact. First thing you need to see is this ternary condition at the end of the last query, because if be the type DateTime, you can’t make that condition by returning null

  • Hi Jéferson! It compiles, but returns with empty list and gives error... It is that I need to sort the result... For example: Person: Johnny Contacts: 03/15/2015 and 03/17/2015 Person: Mariazinha: Contacts: 03/14/2015 and 03/16/2015 In the result, if ordered by increasing date should appear: Mariazinha - 03/16/2015 Johnny - 03/17/2015 But if ordered by decreasing date, should appear: Joãozinho - 17/03/2015 Mariazinha - 16/03/2015 This order that I need to put... but in select, should come the contact, whose date is the highest...

  • I answered your question, I only had a doubt but, actually only a reinforcement, people who have no contact will not appear in this selection, OK?

2 answers


Has a relationship of People for Contacts with cardinality 1:N, that is, a Person may have none or several contacts.

Layout of Entities:

Entidade Pessoa:

public class Pessoa
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Nome { get; set; }    
    public virtual System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<Contato> Contatoes { get; set; }

    public Pessoa()
        Contatoes = new System.Collections.Generic.List<Contato>();

Entity Contato

public class Contato
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int PessoaId { get; set; }
    public System.DateTime Data { get; set; }

    public virtual Pessoa Pessoa { get; set; }

I will reproduce your doubt to select only the contact with the greatest date, follows below the two examples:

Ascending ()

var query = (from p in db.Pessoas
             join c in db.Contatoes on p.Id equals c.PessoaId
             group p by new { p.Id, p.Nome, Data = p.Contatoes.Max(x => x.Data) } into g
             orderby g.Key.Data ascending
             select new

var result = query.ToList();

Descending (Descending)

var query = (from p in db.Pessoas
             join c in db.Contatoes on p.Id equals c.PessoaId
             group p by new { p.Id, p.Nome, Data = p.Contatoes.Max(x => x.Data) } into g
             orderby g.Key.Data descending
             select new

var result = query.ToList();

Tip: at the end of his joins introduces the part group by the same is in my two examples.


You can use Where with Max, but you don’t need to sort a list by date if there will be only one date on the list.

query = query.Where(
    w => == query.Max(
            m => 
  • Thanks for the tip, Leandro! But I need to sort the result... For example: Person: Johnny Contacts: 15/03/2015 and 17/03/2015 Person: Mariazinha: Contacts: 14/03/2015 and 16/03/2015 In the result, if ordered by increasing date should appear: Mariazinha - 16/03/2015 Joãozinho - 17/03/2015 But if ordered by decreasing date, it should appear: Joãozinho - 17/03/2015 Mariazinha - 16/03/2015 ...

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